Governors Welcome
Firstly, can I welcome you to the area of the Brooke Weston's website that focuses on the Governing Body and its work.
The vast majority of publicly funded schools and academies in the UK have a Governing Body and although their structure, roles and responsibilities may differ at the detail level, most Governing Bodies have broadly similar underlying principles and objectives.
The purpose of this section of the website is to explain what the Governing Body does, why it exists, how it is organised and its specific role and responsibilities within the Brooke Weston Trust. Copies of the minutes of Governing Body meetings are also contained within this section of the site, as is an annual report summarising the work of the Governing Body in the previous academic year.
The Governors' area is broken down into the following sections:
- Interview with the BWA Chair of Governors.
- What is "Governance"?
- BWA Governing Body Membership.
- The role and responsibilities of BWA's Governing Body within the Brooke Weston Trust's governance structure.
- The BWA Governor's Annual Report (generated in Term 1 each academic year).
- Minutes of BWA Governing Body Meetings.
- Ask the BWA Governors a question.
- Governors' News.
- Downloads.
We hope you find the Governors’ area interesting and informative.
We would also welcome any comments or suggestions for additional content to this area. Please use the questions facility to send us your suggestions.
Jonathan Wintle
Chair of Governors
Brooke Weston Academy