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Trips, Visits and Residentials

News about BWA trips, visits and residentials.

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  • Brooke Weston comes first place in a Trust chess tournament

    Published 15/05/17

    Congratulations to Sixth Former’s Andrei Kzan, Shehan Retnasingam and Keoni Southwick who were successful in coming first, second and third respectively in a chess tournament against Corby Business Academy.

    Brooke Weston’s chess club hosted the tournament, which consisted of three rounds of classic chess, suicide chess and checkless chess with points awarded for a win loose or draw and averaged out from the amount of games that the students played.

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  • Brooke Weston netball team succeed in winning entire weekend tournament

    Published 03/05/17

    The Year 10 and 12 girls netball team were invited to take part in a two day tournament at Condover Hall in Shropshire where the Year 12 team succeeded in winning the entire tournament.

    Games lasted for 20 minutes, 10 minutes each way with a quick one minute turn around in between. Both teams only had seven players which meant they had no substitutes and played in the same league as each other due to other teams pulling out of the competition prior to the weekend.

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  • Year 7 girls complete their Level 1 Sport Leaders Award

    Published 02/05/17

    Year 7 girls have been working towards their Brooke Weston Leadership Level 1 Award during their PE lessons and have all been successful in completing the course.

    The Leadership unit takes place over a three week period and is designed to help the girls understand sportsmanship, teamwork and fair play so that they can make friends with students they don’t normally work with. It also allows students who are not as physical to demonstrate their qualities in leadership.

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  • Award winning author Katie Dale visits the Academy

    Published 25/04/17

    Award winning children’s author Katie Dale visited the academy this week to help students develop their writing skills and discuss how to become an author.

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  • Student revision conference in London

    Published 05/04/17

    A group of Sociology and Psychology students were invited to attend the first PiXL student revision conference held in central London.

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  • Brooke Weston Trust Big Book QuizAuthor Non Pratt with students

    Published 05/04/17

    Teams of students from Year 7 and 8 were invited to take part in the first Brooke Weston Trust Big Book Quiz, hosted by Corby Business Academy together with Kettering Science Academy and Corby Technical School.

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  • Brooke Weston students visit Auschwitz

    Published 28/03/17

    Two Year 12 students, Brooke Gray and Albert Nyarko-Agyei, visited Auschwitz as part of a project organised by The Holocaust Trust to educate them on the Holocaust and the lessons to be learned from it today.

    The Holocaust Educational Trust was established in 1988 and works in schools, universities and the community to raise awareness and understanding of the Holocaust. They run an annual project taking more than 200 students from 16-18 years old from secondary schools and colleges across the country to Auschwitz in Poland.

    The Holocaust was the mass murder of six million Jews and millions of other people leading up to, and during, World War II. The killings took place in Europe between 1933 and 1945 organised by the German Nazi party which was led by Adolf Hitler. The largest group of victims were Jewish people where nearly 7 out of every 10 Jews living in Europe were killed.

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  • Student raises £100 towards school trip

    Published 28/03/17

    Year 9 student Ella Cummins has raised £100 towards her school trip to Tanzania by organising a Mother’s Day raffle at school and in her local community.

    Ella is one of 14 Brooke Weston students from Year 9 to Year 12 who are taking part in a three week expedition to Tanzania in July 2018. The expedition costs £3,495 and students have each taken on the challenge to raise the money themselves through school events, raffles and sponsorship. This is a huge undertaking for anyone and requires a great deal of organisation and motivation from every student.

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  • DofE students camp on the school field

    Published 27/03/17

    Duke of Edinburgh students in Year 9 have been practicing for their first two day DofE expedition by learning how to pitch tents and cook a variety of food on camp stoves in the school grounds.

    The practice is vital before their first assessment at Rutland Water in April and included camp stove safety, first aid, cooking their own food on the campfires and camp craft - knowing the best place to position your tent and physically putting it up.

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  • Year 8 students visit Kidzania world in London

    Published 21/03/17

    Students from Year 8 enjoyed a trip to Kidzania world in London to help them make more informed choices for their year 8 options.

    Kidzania is a 75,000 square foot city built for children that allows students to explore more than 60 different career options using simulations and activities. Careers included; learning how to become a pilot, acting or singing on stage or fighting crime on the streets as a police officer. It mixes learning and reality with fun and the experience teaches students essential life skills including financial and literacy skills, teamwork and independence.

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  • Year 9 PE students attend Gymnastics event

    Published 28/02/17

    Year 9 GCSE PE students were selected to attend a gifted and talented trip to Huntingdon Gymnastics Club where they spent the day taking part in various gymnastics disciplines including floor and bar work and vaulting.

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  • Year 10 students enjoy an afternoon with author

    Published 25/01/17

    Students from Year 10 were invited to attend an afternoon with author Sara Barnard together with two other schools from the Trust at Corby Business Academy.

    Sara is a talented British author who has written a number of successful books aimed at young adult readers. Her debut novel, ‘Beautiful Broken Things’ explores the complexity of teenage friendships and features some challenging themes. She has been writing since a young age and gets her love of words from her dad, who made sure she always had a book to read when she was growing up.

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