BWA students have reviews published in magazines
Seven of our students have had book reviews published in Teen Titles, a nationwide magazine devoted to the latest young adult fiction.
Library News
Seven of our students have had book reviews published in Teen Titles, a nationwide magazine devoted to the latest young adult fiction.
Keen readers from Brooke Weston Academy had the amazing experience of meeting best-selling children’s author Jacqueline Wilson and learning about her writing career and inspirations.
Author Tom Palmer spoke to Year 7 and 8 students at Brooke Weston Academy about his love of sport and his writing career.
Students from Brooke Weston Academy, who took part in the shadowing event on Friday have just finished watching the live streaming of the Carnegie / Greenaway Awards Ceremony which was held at the British Library in London and hosted by TV presenter June Sarpong.
Around 70 students from Trust and local schools took part in the shadowing event at Brooke Weston Academy, voting for their favourite books in this year’s Carnegie and Greenaway Awards.
Well done to Year 7 student Nirupikaa Jeevanantha who won first prize for her compelling book review, in a competition that attracted more than 130 entries.
Students from Brooke Weston Academy are shadowing the Carnegie and Greenaway book awards, reading and comparing the 15 shortlisted titles and taking part in an event with other schools in June.
Congratulations to Keira Hazelwood from Year 7 who won a goody bag of prizes for coming up 'Bookbusters' - the new name of Brooke Weston Academy’s book group –
Please enter an introduction for your news story here.A team of our students competed with others from across Trust secondary schools in the Big Big Book Quiz when they met bestselling author Ross Welford and heard about his writing career and inspirations.
Following the excitement of the Bookbuzz scheme in December where Year 7 students were given a free book from a choice of 12, Librarian Ms Wendy McCabe has launched a book review competition to win the complete selection of books.
Congratulations to Ashton McDonald 7K, Ellie Maguire 8R and Niamh Sayer-Brown 7S whose book covers’ all won first prize in the ‘Design a Book Cover’ competition.
Students in Graphic Novels club are taking part in the 2018 Stan Lee Excelsior Awards scheme, which aims to encourage reading for pleasure amongst students and to promote the significance of graphic novels and manga.
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