Well done to Brooke Weston Maths Teacher, Miss Ironside, who has been offered a place on a Secondary Mastery Specialist programme. This involves taking part in an important three-year professional development project, which begins in the autumn term of 2021, leading to the designation of Secondary Mastery Specialist.
Since 2014, Maths Hubs, and the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM), have been working together to develop approaches to teaching for mastery with the aims of developing a deep and connected understanding of maths for all learners. It is a fantastic opportunity for participants to improve maths education through teaching for mastery within their schools, and also to develop their professional development and leadership skills.
Miss Ironside said, ‘I’ve always been interested in teaching for mastery in Maths. We are currently designing a mastery style curriculum for KS3 and this is a great opportunity to help the department develop teaching for mastery approaches further.’
Chris Shore, Maths Hub Lead from East Midlands South, commented on Miss Ironside’s application and said, ‘We were really impressed by the way you talked about moving beyond merely procedural teaching to developing deeper conceptual understanding. Well done!’