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Yr9 Immunisation E-Consent programme

Your child is due to receive their vaccinations in school on Thursday 20th February 2020.

Northamptonshire School Nursing Team are moving to e-consenting for all our school based immunisation programmes commencing January 2020.

E- Consenting for your child’s teenage booster vaccinations.
DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio) and Men ACWY (Meningitis ACWY).

Please see the attached letter from the NHS further down this page

Please complete the e-consent form for your child’s vaccination at:

Using e-consent is quicker and easier for you and can be completed on any platform i.e. mobile phone, tablet or computer. If you are unable to complete the consent form on any of these formats we request that you contact them on the free telephone number 0300 111 1022 (option 4) and they can complete the online form for you.

For more information on any of these vaccines please visit the NHS Choices Website on the following links:


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