Students from the Sixth Form visited the university of Warwick to explore the wonders of chemistry with some of the top chemists in the country.
During the day the group were involved in lectures about cutting edge Nano technology, the magic of oxygen and deep oceanic exploration and the importance of chemistry in the sea. A special session on examination success helped to equip the students with the tools to excel.
Head of chemistry Miss Louise Hull said ‘The trip was extremely useful as it allowed students to live life as a university student, explore aspects of chemistry they may have never thought about and watch some amazing chemical demonstrations and consolidate their A-Level learning.’
Year 13 student Bethan Lewis said ‘I really enjoyed experiencing lecture style learning that was still engaging. It was also very interesting to learn about the latest developments in science from researchers themselves. I also saw that what I’m leaning in School is directly related to what scientists are doing right now.’