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Year 11 and Year 13 Leavers

Students enjoy the final celebrations before the exam season commences

Our Year 11 and Year 13 students celebrated the end of their final term together before the examination season officially commences on Monday 15th May.

Year 13 enjoyed a morning of competitive inter-tutor rounder’s with 13N crowned the triumphant tutor group. They also attended an emotionally charged farewell leavers assembly that saw students reflect on their time at Brooke Weston Academy while looking to what the future may hold in store for them.  

Staff also gathered to say goodbye to our Year 11 students with the traditional signing of shirts taking place before students and their tutors took part in the inter-tutor sporting event with 11S crowned the winners, before they attended the leaver’s assembly. Year 11 were also rewarded with a trip to Alton Towers on the last day of term to say well done for their hard work and dedication over Year 11.

We wish all students every success in their exams. Exam Leave Letter.

Tagged  Year 13  Year 11 

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