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Latest News Stories from Brooke Weston Academy

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Showing items for tag Staff

  • End of an era as Mr Witt retires

    Published 02/09/16

    Brooke Weston was such a beacon of educational inspiration that Mr Gerry Witt travelled half way across the country to teach here for his entire 22 years in the profession. He targeted Brooke Weston after reading about its reputation for child-centered and innovative learning, long before such techniques became commonplace.

    Its push to drive educational standards and ambitions up, to the extent that a local child winning a place at university was no longer front page news, drew Mr Witt from the south coast to a county that he had knowledge of or links to. Over the years he has taken on many roles, including managing exams and latterly being Head of Sixth Form, guiding students in their choices of university and careers and ensuring that they make the best possible choices in higher education.

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  • Miss West leaves after nearly a quarter of a century

    Published 02/09/16

    One of our longest serving teachers has left after nearly 25 years at Brooke Weston. Lisa West has performed a huge number of roles since coming to work in the sports department in 1991.

    As well gaining her degree, she has taught in the PE, Science and Design Technology departments as well as delivering the BTEC Health and Social Care qualification. For the past three years she has been Brooke Weston’s SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator).

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