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Latest News Stories from Brooke Weston Academy

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  • Academy welcomes Crown Court judge

    Published 19/01/17

    Brooke Weston Academy was delighted to welcome His Honour Judge Rupert Mayo into the school to give advice and answer questions from students interested in a career in law.

    Judge Mayo, was a barrister for 21 years and took up his present position over eight years ago and he has been Resident Judge at Northampton since 2011.

    Judge Mayo had a tour, hosted a Q&A with Year 13 students who have applied to do law or law enforcement and gave advice to Year 11 and 12 students who were thinking about careers in law. He said ‘I wanted to come to Brooke Weston to help students learn and understand about law. It underpins a lot of what we do and you don’t have to be a professional lawyer in order to be involved in law. Nowadays it’s very expensive to go to university and not impressive if you start on one degree and decide to change to another, so the more information students can have before they put their choices down the better.

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  • Students on the cutting edge of science

    Published 13/01/17

    Students from Years 10 to 13 interested in careers in medicine or science attended an Operating Theatre Live workshop where they donned a set of scrubs to dissect simulated body organs and tissues in an operating theatre setting.

    The groups dissected pig brains, removed eyes, looked at the lungs’ structure and attempted a heart transplant. They also investigated the digestive system and calculated anesthetic dosages. The event is designed to give students as authentic an experience as possible. There was a strong focus on skills and careers providing students interested in medical careers with up-to-date information.

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  • BW alumni advise Sixth Formers on university life

    Published 21/12/16

    Five former students, who are all now studying at Cambridge, spoke to our current Sixth Formers about university life and the transition to graduate study.

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  • Academy welcomes VIP visitors

    Published 07/12/16

    Brooke Weston Academy was delighted to welcome a VIP party to the school which included the Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire Mr David Laing and Mr Alexander de Capell Brooke, a member of our founding family.

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  • BW and CTS students collaborate in theatrical workshop

    Published 23/11/16

    Students are incorporating techniques they learned in a theatrical workshop into practical work for their GCSE coursework. Students from Brooke Weston and Corby Technical School had a workshop with renowned theatre group Frantic Assembly.

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  • Student use speed gun in Project Edward police initiative

    Published 28/09/16

    Two Year 8 students got to grips with a police speed gun during a recent driving awareness initiative aimed at cutting road deaths. Project Edward is an acronym for European Day Without a Road Death.

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  • George Bullard recounts his Greenland adventure

    Published 26/09/16

    Explorer and adventurer George Bullard is a world record breaking explorer and endurance athlete who has covered more than 2,000 miles on foot in the polar regions. He has spent more than 10 per cent of his life under canvas and, most recently, kayaked from Greenland to Scotland.

    At the age of 19 he completed the world’s longest fully unsupported polar journey, a feat that exploere Sir Ranulph Fiennes described as ‘genuinely groundbreaking.’ As well as polar exploration he has taken part in the Transatlantic race, led youth development programmes in the Amazon and facilitated research expeditions in Antarctica.

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  • Students see butchery demonstration

    Published 15/09/16

    Our Year 9 students saw a butchery demonstration and heard about careers within the food industry during a talk by an expert from Peterborough-based Stilton Butchers.

    The session was an introduction to their food and nutrition studies and, as well as being shown how to portion a chicken, the students learned about the best cuts of beef for burgers plus saw how the professionals minced meat, added seasonings and used a press to transform them into commercial burgers.

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  • BBC Click Team films at Brooke Weston

    Published 02/09/16

    A film crew from BBC News’s Click filmed at Brooke Weston for a ‘back-to-school’ educational feature that will be broadcast tomorrow.

    Presenter Spencer Kelly and director Talia Franco interviewed our Year 10 students who have used Minecraft in their technology lessons to bring abstract concepts, such as logic gates in programming, to life. IT teacher Ray Chambers, who has been invited by Microsoft to become an Innovative Expert Educator, was also interviewed about technology in the classroom.

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