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Latest News Stories from Brooke Weston Academy

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  • Principal Pete Kirkbride says leading Brooke Weston Academy has been an ‘absolute privilege’

    Published 24/04/20

    Brooke Weston Academy’s Principal Pete Kirkbride is leaving on promotion after four years in the role.

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  • Brooke Weston Academy and Corby Technical School Sixth Form Collaboration

    Published 03/04/20

    Dear colleagues, students, parents/carers,

    Earlier this academic year we held a public consultation on our proposal to close the sixth form at Corby Technical School (CTS) and expand the one at Brooke Weston Academy (BWA) by educating students across both sites under BWA’s control.

    Since that time changes in the demand for places at our schools in Corby over the next few years, and at CTS in particular, have given us pause for thought. Recent negotiations with the local authority mean we can be confident the number of students attending CTS in coming years will be at least 150 per year group and for the next two cohorts at least (September 2020 and 2021) the numbers will be even larger.

    As a consequence, we now intend to maintain separate sixth forms at both schools with planned growth of the CTS offer over time to meet the needs of the larger year groups coming through the school.

    The changed circumstance means we can operate viable sixth forms of high quality at both schools. Doing this avoids the challenges of running a split site operation. However, we will continue to work closely together on some aspects of our new curriculum model and collaborate on enrichment activities and, if necessary, teaching of shortage subjects.  

    Yours faithfully,

    Mr P Kirkbride Mrs A Reynolds 

     Principal, Brooke Weston Academy

    Principal, Corby Technical School

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  • BWA students achieve Gold DofE Award

    Published 01/04/20

    Well done to former Brooke Weston Academy students George Tysoe and Winston Ho who have both achieved their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

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  • BWA student wins national textiles competition

    Published 31/03/20

    Well done to BWA textile student Charlie Swan-Beard who is a junior regional finalist in the Wool4School national competition.

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  • Brooke Weston Academy is one of the highest performers in England, winning national awards

    Published 30/03/20

    Brooke Weston Academy has been recognised nationally by receiving prestigious awards for its outstanding Key Stage 4 and 5 results last year.

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  • Trust Secondary Science competition launched

    Published 27/03/20

    The Science departments in our secondary schools are launching a model competition with the best entries being shared across the Trust.

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  • Lose yourself in a book - Trust wide reading competition

    Published 27/03/20

    In times when we can’t go anywhere physically, the power of reading becomes even more important.  Within the pages of a book you can go anywhere.

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  • Government Stay At Home advice re students

    Published 22/03/20

    You should only send your child to school on Monday if you have to, because your work is critical to the Government's COVID-19 response

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  • Coronavirus Covid-19 update for parents and carers March 13th 2020

    Published 13/03/20

    Dear Parents and Carers

    You may be aware that the government met yesterday to review its response to the Covid-19 virus.

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  • Covid-19 update

    Published 12/03/20

    Brooke Weston Trust schools are monitoring the current situation regarding Covid-19 contingency planning carefully and seeking advice from relevant authorities.

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  • OVPS students take on orienteering challenge at BWA

    Published 04/03/20

    Students from Oakley Vale Primary School went on a geography-inspired treasure hunt, helped by their older counterparts at Brooke Weston Academy.

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  • BWA student shadows HR at Trust Central Team

    Published 03/03/20

    Brooke Weston Academy Sixth Former Abi Tilley had an insight into the Human Resources function of the Brooke Weston Trust when she shadowed its HR Manager.

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