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Latest News Stories from Brooke Weston Academy

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Showing items for tag Science

  • Students receive Girl’s Scholarship in Maths and Physics

    Published 16/01/18

    A group of six Brooke Weston Year 11 girls have been chosen to take part in a trial scholarship from The STEM Skills Fund (SSF) for A Level physics and maths, with the aim to help increase the number of girls that continue to study these subjects beyond GCSE.

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  • Sixth Form students attend Masterclasses at Cambridge University

    Published 21/11/17

    Two students from Year 12, Luca Milford and Matthew McCormick, attended Masterclasses in genetics, biochemistry and physics at Cambridge University.

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  • Chemistry in action 2017

    Published 20/11/17

    Students from the Sixth Form visited the university of Warwick to explore the wonders of chemistry with some of the top chemists in the country.

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  • Physics in action 2017

    Published 14/11/17

    A group of Year 12 students visited the university of Warwick to explore the wonders of physics with some of the top physicists in the country.

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  • Sixth Formers CERN trip

    Published 06/11/17

    A group of 12 Brooke Weston students visited CERN near Geneva, to talk to particle physicists about the ground-breaking research at the site, which is the world’s largest experiment.

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  • Students take part in dissection workshop

    Published 11/10/17

    As part of Biology week at Brooke Weston, students from all years were invited to attend an after school biology dissection workshop to learn about the different parts of the body and how they work.

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  • Year 12 attended a Spectroscopy workshop from the University of Leicester

    Published 31/08/17

    Year 12 students were invited to take part in a practical chemistry workshop run by The University of Leicester based around Spectroscopy using an infrared spectroscopy worth more than £17,000.

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  • New Trust Director of Science appointed

    Published 15/05/17

    Congratulations to Mrs Karen Hearne who has been appointed the Trust’s first Director of Science. Mrs Hearne is a very experienced teacher, having been at Brooke Weston Academy since it opened, and Head of Science for the past three years.

    She is looking forward to working with colleagues from across our Trust secondary schools to improve outcomes for students, sharing ideas and best practice between departments. The new role is about building relationships and offering support where needed:

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  • Students on the cutting edge of science

    Published 13/01/17

    Students from Years 10 to 13 interested in careers in medicine or science attended an Operating Theatre Live workshop where they donned a set of scrubs to dissect simulated body organs and tissues in an operating theatre setting.

    The groups dissected pig brains, removed eyes, looked at the lungs’ structure and attempted a heart transplant. They also investigated the digestive system and calculated anesthetic dosages. The event is designed to give students as authentic an experience as possible. There was a strong focus on skills and careers providing students interested in medical careers with up-to-date information.

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  • Sixth Formers visit CERN

    Published 31/12/16

    A team of Brooke Weston students visited the world famous site at CERN, toured some of the facilities and spoke to scientists who work there. The trip covered sites in both Switzerland and France as experiments at CERN run across both countries with the Large Hadron Collider spanning a 27km circumference across the border. Students also had free time to explore Geneva’s shops, museums and restaurants, as well as the headquarters of the International Red Cross.

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  • Sixth Form biologists see autopsy video

    Published 12/12/16

    Sixth Form biologists at Brooke Weston saw an hour-long autopsy video in preparation for practical dissection lessons this week. The subject of the film was a 17-stone woman and her autopsy, filmed by the BBC, focused on the effects that obesity has on the human body.

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  • Network Rail headquarters trip

    Published 30/11/16

    Following the Engineering week students participated in at the start of the month, where Network Rail led STEM days (science, technology, engineering and maths) at ten schools across the region, four students, Imogen Lincoln, Matthew Brown, Tate Eppy and Amelia Sulch along with science teacher Miss Reynolds were invited to visit their headquarters in Milton Keynes for an experience day.

    The four students were chosen for being particularly engaged and working well as a group and were amongst eight other schools from the midlands taking part in the day.

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