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Our Building

Brooke Weston Academy sits within acres of well-maintained grounds that are invaluable for sports, science and nature studies. The building is also exceptional, forming a pentagon around a central courtyard. Each two-storey section is connected by a glass link block. Each department is located along its own designated corridor and most contain a study area with computers and soft seating.

Specialist facilities

We have state-of-the-art science laboratories, an electronics studio, wood and metal workshops, dedicated textile and cookery rooms, drama and dance studios, a music technology suite and music practice rooms.

Sports facilities

Sports facilities are also excellent. As well as the indoor sports hall there are also all weather sports pitches outside, plus cricket nets and other grass pitches which are used by students during the day, and by the community at evenings and weekends. The latest addition is a modern fitness suite in its own separate building. This is used by the Sixth Form and the local community.


Our restaurant provides a wide choice of food for both breakfast and lunch. Students may eat the restaurant food, which is very good and competitively priced, or bring their own food to eat in the restaurant.

The Newman Library

This is a well-stocked resource, with the latest books, magazines, DVDs and audio recordings. It is equipped with banks of fixed computers used for lessons and self-study and laptops that may be loaned out for a lesson. We also have a 300-seater theatre, a smaller lecture theatre and a boardroom.


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