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Ambition For All

We believe in the importance of a relentless determination to succeed. Our students are supported to fully achieve their potential and live rewarding lives. We value each student equally and ensure that no-one is left behind.

At Brooke Weston Academy, we are resolute in our commitment to providing an ambitious educational experience for all students, extending beyond traditional academic achievements. We recognise the importance of fostering holistic student development through engaging extra-curricular activities. Our carefully curated elective provision is geared towards providing every student with the opportunity to broaden their horizons and foster personal growth beyond the academic excellence cultivated within our classrooms. The programme has been designed to broaden student experience and develop skills that universities and employers find attractive in potential candidates. There is a strong link between students who take part in a range of extra-curricular activities and successful outcomes in examination results.

Immersing students in this enriching experience, our elective programme takes place every Wednesday afternoon from 2:30pm to 3:35pm. Led by our dedicated staff and external facilitators, each elective is tailored to be a unique exploration into diverse fields, with all facilitators being specialists in their respective domains.

Within this electives booklet, you will find a comprehensive overview of the diverse courses on offer, along with any specialised equipment requirements or chargeable fees. To ensure a well-rounded experience, certain courses are compulsory for all students, reaffirming our commitment to fostering ambition for all and ensuring that the breadth of our elective programme is fully embraced.



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