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Congratulations to our Year 12 students who have been appointed as Brooke Weston’s student leaders for the coming year; Matthew Russell, Academic Leader; Isabel Offor, Diversity and Inclusion Leader; Rufus Mathew, Charities and Community Leader and Klaudia Majewska, Wellbeing Leader.           

Director of Sixth Form, Mrs Brennan, asked for written applications to be submitted for the specific roles, with candidates pitching their ideas to their peers before being interviewed by members of the Senior Leadership and Sixth Form teams.

Matthew and Rufus, who both joined Brooke Weston in Year 7, are hoping to make a real difference to school life. Matthew, who is studying Biology, Chemistry and Geography, intends to pursue a career in the pharmaceuticals and drug development industry after studying Chemistry at university.

He said, ‘I applied for the role of academic leader because the ideals of the role resonated with me. My vision is to have an extensive, student-led study session programme in place across all subjects in order to build on the mentoring already present at Brooke Weston. I look forward to working alongside my fellow student leaders and I’m ready to put my ideas into reality and give something back to Brooke Weston before I leave at the end of Year 13.’

Rufus, who has plans to study dentistry at university, is studying Biology, Chemistry and Psychology.

He said, ‘I applied for the position of Charity and Community leader as I want to help people on a wider scale. I want to foster more empathy and a greater desire to help within our school; ideals and values that I hope our students will carry with them through every stage of life that lies ahead. Being a student leader will help provide me with the leadership and teamwork experience that I would need to pursue a career in dentistry as well as enabling me to help make a positive impact on our community.’

Isabel and Klaudia, both joined Brooke Weston Academy relatively recently at the start of Year 12. Isabel is studying Business, Psychology and English Literature and has plans to study law at University, with ambitions of becoming a solicitor.

She said, ‘I decided to apply for the Diversity and Inclusion student leader position because I believe that implementing more focus on these areas can help us build a more welcoming community and environment. I plan to place inspirational quotes of individuals who have shaped our society today around the school to allow students to learn and help them understand how these people have helped influence our society. I felt honoured and proud that I had been chosen to represent my school and I'm glad that I get to be a part of a team that can work together and be a part of the future steps for Brooke Weston.’

Klaudia, who is studying Psychology, Sociology and Biology, hopes to study Psychology at university and has aspirations to become a clinical psychologist.

She said, ‘I chose to apply for the Wellbeing role as I believe having good mental health is key in order to be successful in school and I am passionate about making everyone feel safe and confident in school. I want to support those students who struggle with mental health issues and help them maintain a positive mind set, especially during challenging times such as exam season. I think the teachers at Brooke Weston are really supportive and want all the students to succeed and be their very best and they want to ensure that everyone is provided with support for their learning and well-being. I was very pleased to receive such a big responsibility within the school community, and I’m excited to get to work with the other members of the team and the teachers.’

Director of Sixth Form, Mrs Brennan said, ‘Over twenty students applied for the roles and their performance throughout the process was exceptional. The application process was very robust and students rose to the challenge at every stage. Overall I was impressed by how many of them wanted to take on a leadership role within the school, their applications showed real passion for the respective roles and clear sense of wanting to give back to the wider school community.’

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