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Brooke Weston Academy is celebrating another successful year of Post-16 examination results.

We are incredibly proud of all 129 A Level students for their hard work, determination and perseverance throughout this challenging year. Despite an evolving national picture concerning the awarding of grades from the exam boards, we are pleased that the vast majority of students have secured places at their preferred universities.

Our top performing students include Dominik Kusk Joel Camara, and Emily Brown who collectively achieved eleven A* grades. All three students are going on to the University of Cambridge. Students also amongst our top performers include Rajan Khunti and Meg Maguire who achieved a grade profile of three A*/A grades. Rajan will be moving to study Mathematics at the University of Durham, whilst Meg is moving on to study Creative Industries at York.  A further eleven students achieved a grade profile consisting of A* and A grades, which is a tremendous achievement and many others achieved exceptional individual results.

Emily Brown.

Over 88% of students this year are going onto university with the remainder opting for higher apprenticeships and gap years in order to work and prepare for university. Along with this a number of students have secured places at highly prestigious universities. These include Nathan Ngo (Biochemistry, University of Birmingham), Abbie Wallace, (Marine Biology, University of Swansea), Lewis Iiko, (Engineering, University of Durham) and Luka Sabadi (Accounting and Finance, Loughborough University).

Associate Principal Shaun Strydom said, ‘I am incredibly proud of the Year 13 students who have all done remarkably well in the face of adversity. The hard work and dedication of students and the tireless support of their teachers has resulted in another fantastic set of results for Brooke Weston Academy. We wish all of our students every success in the future, it has been great seeing all of you again and hearing about your plans.’

Top: Rajan, Abbie and Joel.
Above: Dominick.


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