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Students from Oakley Vale Primary School went on a geography-inspired treasure hunt, helped by their older counterparts at Brooke Weston Academy.

The Year 3s visited Brooke Weston Academy to kick off their latest topic on Exploration. They had to complete a series of orienteering task to locate information on topic such as rainforests, ecosystems and renewable energy.

Brooke Weston Academy’s Head of Geography, Juliette Smith, said: ‘They are learning about compass directions and how to read a map and navigate their way around the school building. The Year 9s will give the younger students clues and they have to go and find what that relates to. It is a task that combines listening skills with geographic concepts to give them a better understanding of our subject. I am really proud of the Year 9 students at Brooke Weston Academy as they have been excellent ambassadors for geography and were really caring and helpful towards the students.’

Oakley Vale teacher Mandy Mutch said: ‘Year 3 had a fantastic morning and were fully engaged in the activities set by the Year 9 children. It was such a valuable opportunity to collaborate and the activity set allowed the children to gain map reading skills which helped inform their learning. It was the perfect start to our Explorers topic!’

To see more pictures click here.

Tagged  BW Trust 

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