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BWA Sixth Former Hannah Watkins has featured in the latest issue of the British Sociological Network magazine.

Hannah, from Year 13, won an iPad mini and £500 for the school for winning first prize in an essay writing competition. Students were asked to submit an entry on ‘to what extent does society have a responsibility towards those who are vulnerable?’ Hannah chose to write an open letter about children of divorce.

The British Sociological Association said: ‘The judges felt that this entry was highly emotive and personal. The entry demonstrated an engagement with vulnerability that went beyond the textbooks, applying sociological theories to personal experiences. It was a creative piece that showed a real sociological imagination.’

Hannah is studying sociology, psychology and English language at A Level and said: ‘I might enter into this year’s essay writing competition as well. I’ll see how I am getting on with my school work. I eventually want to study sociology and criminology at Bournemouth university so I will use my success in this competition as supporting evidence for my application. I want to do a four year sandwich course because in my third year I can go and study abroad and get some work experience. It will be a good opportunity to see different cultures.’

Hannah with the magazine article.


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