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The Brooke Weston Book Busters reading group came second in a national video competition posing as characters from the Carnegie shortlisted books.

Librarian Wendy McCabe said: ‘The is the second year that we have entered the Carnegie video competition and we decided to do something a bit different. We set up a talk show called ‘What’s Your Question’ with characters from the books as guests with the audience asking questions. We managed to do it in just two takes.’

Dylan Smith was the host while Millie Cleaver played Will from ‘The Long Way Down’. Isabella Ann Brown portrayed Xiomara from ‘The Poet X’ and Melissa Broomfield was Marinka from ‘The House with Chicken Legs.’ The other members of the group; Imogen Warren, Megan Walton, Mollie Cameron, Isabelle Wrightson, Scarlett Cunningham and Elizabeth Brydon asked the questions.

As a runner-up prize the school library will receive a free set of shortlisted books. Natalie Jones, the Campaigns and Awards Manager for CILIP, which ran the competition said: ‘The judges were really impressed by the imaginative talk show style approach demonstrating your shadowers’ empathy and understanding of the characters.’

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