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Year 7 students at Brooke Weston Academy wrote welcome letters to the incoming cohort, giving details about the school and the best ways of settling in.

Every student wrote a letter during their English lessons and the top five from each tutor group were duplicated. Each of the students who will be joining the Academy in Year 7 this September was given a random letter during a familiarisation evening when they also took part in different subject activities.

Teacher Camilla Kerr said: ‘This has been a new initiative this year and we were looking at ways to make the incoming Year 7 students feel comfortable and happy. What better way than to have our current Year 7s write welcome letters? We chose the final letters based on their message, content, spelling and grammar.

'The Year 6 students who received them thought it was wonderful. Mr Kirkbride read a lot of the letters and he was really impressed with the students’ ability to write such eloquent letters, explaining what goes on around the school and how students feel.’

Those whose letters were selected included:

Michelle Nwarewangepo who said: ‘I wanted them to know that we have fun with the teachers and the school trips are amazing. I enjoyed Pioneer Centre, it was awesome. I wish I had had a letter like this when I started here.’

Amar Mehan said: ‘Brooke Weston is very welcoming and the school days aren’t that long when you get used to it. The lessons here are really well taught.’

Finley Robbins said: ‘Everyone here is kind and will help you if you are lost or have questions. It was a bit scary starting here but I realised after a week or so that it was awesome!’

Katie Aughey said: ‘The opportunities here are great and the lessons help you go on a journey. I have become more confident and made more friends, which is good.’

Jackson Chen said: ‘The advice that I would give to those joining would be to make friends and join clubs, that is a good way of meeting people.’

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