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Well done to young golfer Ben Atherton from Year 7, whose perfect last shot in a recent competition meant that the Northants county team clinched a victory to beat Bedfordshire.

He played in a pair, against a pair from the opposing team and whoever won the most holes was awarded one point and if there was a draw the players get half a point each. There were seven teams meaning a maximum of seven points up for grabs.

Ben’s match was tightly fought, the only one going all the way to the 18th hole, which was a par 5. Ben played the hole perfectly making a 5 to win his match, which meant the team beat Bedfordshire four and a half points to two and a half.

As well as playing in the county team Ben also plays in the County Academy Talented Golfers Group.

He said: ‘The secret to being successful at golf is staying calm as it can get frustrating sometimes, particularly if you are playing in a competition as every stroke counts.’

Ben has again been selected to represent the County Under 14’s against Cambridgeshire on 19 May at Overstone Golf Club.



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