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Brooke Weston Academy was delighted to host Mr David Laing, the Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, who visited to congratulate our Year 12 students on the excellent GCSE exam results they achieved this summer.

The Lord Lieutenant was shown around by Principal Pete Kirkbride, Head of Sixth Form, Nina Smith, and the Academy's Head Boy and Head Girl, Paras Bains and Milly Simpson.

After a tour of the facilities he met students and the Sixth Form team for refreshments and an informal talk in the Teaching School. Principal Pete Kirkbride said: ‘It was a pleasure to host this visit and we were delighted to show Mr Laing around our excellent facilities. Our students have excelled this summer and so, for him to come along and congratulate them personally was a huge privilege. The Head Boy and Head Girl did an excellent job of showing him all aspects of the Academy and they spoke at length about their experiences as students so Mr Laing got a real insight into day to day life at the Academy. They, and the other Sixth Form students, did themselves proud and showcased the best of what Brooke Weston Academy has to offer.’


Tagged  Year 12  Achievement 

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