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Congratulation to three of our Year 10 students who have taken GCSE exams a year early, each scoring grades of A*. For Winston Ho and George Tysoe their friendly rivalry in maths spurred them on to excellent scores with Winston averaging 95.5% over two papers and George just one mark behind, but with one paper scoring an amazing 99% on its own!

Winston said: ‘We had to do a lot of past papers for practice and we are doing it early so that next year we can do further maths. I am looking forward to it. I have always like maths and been pretty good at it. I got the results I expected as we have been practicing in lessons for a long time. I will probably do maths and further maths at A Level.’

George added: ‘I have always liked maths. Maths is just logical. You can get an answer by thinking about it in simple terms or more complicated ones. There is always a right answer and there is a specific way to get it. I like that logical approach. Winston and I are in massive competition. My success is down to a mix of hard work and talent, about 40% hard work, 30% talent and 30% luck!’

Both Winston and George are studying further maths next year.

William Ho also received the accolade of an A* in Chinese GCSE. He studies for two hours weekly at the Chinese school in Milton Keynes, as well as speaking and practising at home for up to two hours a day. He said: ‘ The GCSE involved two writing assignments, two speaking and listening ones plus a reading exam. I didn’t expect to get an A*.’

He attends the same Chinese school as Winston, who was also celebrating a B in AS level Chinese. Winston said: ‘You have to talk for six minutes on a topic and write about another topic and there is also a reading and listening test. I am bilingual so we Chinese at home and we go back to Hong Kong every year. I also go to Chinese school at Milton Keynes for two hours on a Sunday morning. I am planning to study it to A2 level.’

Tagged  Exams  GCSE  Achievement  Year 10 

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