Don’t forget that this Thursday is International Literacy Day when all the lessons at Brooke Weston will have a specific literacy focus and students and staff can donate a book in the ‘Take One Pass It On’ scheme. Books should be age appropriate and there will be dropboxes at the turnstiles in the morning where all the books will be collected. At lunchtime and after school anyone who brought a book in can choose one to take home and enjoy. Any unused books will be donated locally.
The book scheme is one of a series of events all day at the school. Ms Fitzjohn, who is co-ordinating the scheme, said: 'This is a great opportunity for people to pass on books that they have read, enjoyed and that have had a meaning for them, but also it will give them the chance to perhaps explore new literature and genres. As this is International Literacy Day we also have information on how literacy is viewed abroad and the impact it has. There are are whole series of tutor time and specific curriculum activities planned that should be really exciting and make students think about the way we communicate and the importance of books.'