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Brooke Weston Academy has been nationally recognised for its exceptional 2016 performance by the Schools, Students and Teachers network (SSAT).

SSAT is the leading national provider of training and development for schools. They work together with schools to help offer fresh ideas and knowledge to schools and allow teachers to learn from their peers, measure improvements and celebrate each other's achievements.

Educational Outcomes data analysis from SSAT has shown that Brooke Weston is in the top 20% of non-selective schools nationally for attainment. The school’s SSAT Educational Outcomes award will be presented at a regional celebration event held to draw attention to the work of high-achieving, improving and innovating schools and teachers.

Chief Executive of SSAT Sue Williamson said ‘It’s my great pleasure to commend Brooke Weston Academy on their excellent 2016 performance and to have the opportunity to highlight and share their great work at an SSAT Educational Outcomes celebration event. We know how hard teachers work to ensure the success of every child. SSAT’s Educational Outcomes award recognises the professionalism, commitment and hard work of the leaders, teachers and students at Brooke Weston Academy. A big thank you and well done to the students, staff and governors.’

Associate Principal Mr Kirkbride said ‘I am incredibly proud that Brooke Weston Academy is being recognised nationally for all of the hard work and dedication that both our students and staff continually put in to everything that they do within the school.’

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