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A group of Sixth Formers will be selling refreshments at the Sixth Form open evening on 9th February from 18:00-20:00 to raise money for the charity CRY, Cardiac Risk in the Young.

The charity supports young people with potentially life-threatening cardiac conditions and also offers bereavement support. Students and staff fundraise for it in memory of Sixth Former Miriam Lee, who died from sudden cardiac arrest last August.

The group of girls; Erin Wootton, Emma Scofield, Katie Searle, Annie Tyagi and Anjola Akande hope to raise as much money as possible to help other families. Erin said ‘We are raising the money to support a charity that is really important to us. We believe that the work they do to support families and make screenings more accessible to all young people is crucial. If the money we raise can help anyone else, other friendship groups and families like us, then we will be happy knowing that we were a part of that.’

If you will be attending the open evening, please remember to bring some spare change for refreshments and help support this worthwhile charity.

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