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Year 11 student Haydn Bennett is taking part in a tandem skydive in Peterborough in aide of Crazy Hats Breast Cancer on the 9 July to raise money for a fantastic charity that is close to his heart.

Haydn lost his granddad to prostate cancer when he was 9 years old and at the same time his nan was coping with breast cancer. She is now in remission and Crazy Hats are a support group that has helped her cope with losing her husband and her own illness. He said ‘I am not feeling nervous, I love extreme sports and can’t wait to do it, especially as I will be raising money for such an important charity at the same time. I want to raise as much money as I can as they helped my nan out so much when my granddad passed away and I think it’s really important to do more research to try to find a cure for this horrible disease that effects the lives of so many people.

‘So far I have raise £85 but I would like to raise £600 so that I can ensure as much money as possible goes to Crazy Hats to help other families that have been through what my family has.’

If you would like to help Haydn, please sponsor him by clicking on the link below. 

Tagged  Events  Community  Year 11 

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