Congratulations to Year 9 students, Callum Slattery, Dylan Lewis, Callum Broomfield and Stanley Evans, whose innovative road safety idea has been selected for the final stage of a county-wide competition run by Northants Police and Fire service.
The competition organisers said: ‘The County Schools Challenge aims to encourage students to think about the causes and consequences of people’s actions, and identify solutions or prevention strategies. The scheme recognises the valuable role that schools play in promoting messages that have a society-wide benefit and enables agencies to listen to and learn from young people.’
The Brooke Weston team will now go forward to the county final, which takes place at the Castle Theatre in Wellingborough on 9 July.
Mr Adam Marriott, Lead Citizenship and RE teacher, said: ‘The boys put forward a very solid presentation about road safety for 12-16 year olds. They want to create an app that shows safe places to cross the road with rewards if you do. If people want to go along and support them in the final against teams from seven other secondary schools from across the county, tickets can be booked via the link.'