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Here is another instalment focusing on our highest achieving A Level students this year.

Kyle English is going to study Medicine at Southampton University after gaining A’s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics and an A* in Maths. He said, ‘I did a lot of hard work to get my grades, they are exactly what I wanted so I feel very relieved and happy. I’m not sure what I will do after university, I’m just seeing where it takes me and what I like. It has been hard work but I’ve kept going and got to where I want to be.’

Rutendo Tupiri is celebrating two Distinction *s in Health and Social Care and Sports and A’s in BPE and Sociology she is going on to study Nursing at Southend University. She said, ‘I am so pleased I wasn’t expecting the A’s as I wasn’t sure how I did but it turned out good. I’m going to study adult Nursing as I’ve always been interested in caring and looking after people. I am so excited I really didn’t think I would get any A’s!’

Keelan Robertson and Kelsey Fordyce both achieved an A* in Maths and A’s in Further Maths and Business Studies and will be studying Maths at Edinburgh University together. Keelan said, ‘I checked online this morning to see if I had got my place at Edinburgh, which I had, so the results were what I was expecting. I’m very pleased and actually found the exams quite easy. Kelsey said, ‘ I did lots of revision going over past papers to make sure I knew all of the content. I am really pleased as it is what I needed to be able to get onto the course and it is great that we both got onto the course and will be able to go to Edinburgh together.’

Nathan Parekh-Downes is set to go to Leeds University to study Accounting and Finance after gaining an A* in Business and A’s in Geography and Maths. He said,’ I was hoping for three A’s, so getting the A* is definitely more than I thought I would achieve and I’m really happy with it. I worked really hard throughout the year and did a lot of revision coming up to the exams.’

Katie Limehouse gained double Distinction *s in IT, a Distinction * in Business and a C in Maths and is going to York University to study Business and Management. She said, ‘I feel fantastic; I worked and tried so hard to get these results with many long hours of revision. I tried to focus on Business and IT at the beginning so then I had lots of time to study for my Maths and I think it worked out well. I’m excited about starting my course. I would advise future A Level students to make sure that after the mocks they revise like crazy as the real exams come around so quickly.’

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