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Here is our final instalment from our GCSE success stories.

Kiera Gandham achieved four A*s and seven As in her GCSE graded results. She said, ‘I did really well and am extremely happy. I am emotional because grades are really important to me, ever since I was little I’ve always wanted to achieve As, I’ve worked so hard for theses grades and it feels really surreal that today is the day I have been waiting for to find out my results. It doesn’t feel real at all. I got really ill a week before the exams and I was so stressed as I thought I’d ruined my chances so I am so happy that my hard work throughout school has paid off. I am going to study Business, Maths, Psychology and Geography and would like to do Business Management in the future.’

Jesa Padayachy was celebrating her five A*s and three As. She said, ‘I didn’t think I would do so well in Biology and Chemistry as I got Cs in my mocks but I revised really hard and it turns out it paid off! It now means that I can take the A Levels that I wanted to next year; Biology, Chemistry, French and Music.’

Lucie Hackett gained ten A*s. She said, ‘I am really happy, I was hoping to get As but I didn’t think I would get A*s! I worked extremely hard in all of my exams. I am coming back to study French Biology, Chemistry and Maths and would like to be a paediatric doctor when I’m older.’

Kim Ta achieved four A*s and five As. She said, ‘ I think I’ve done so much better than I thought, especially in English as in my mocks I achieved two Ds and I passed them both with a C and an A*, I’m not even sure how I moved from a D to an A* but I did put in so much revision from my mocks to the real exams, which has evidently paid off! I will be coming back to take Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Biology.’

Congratulations to all our Year 11 students, we wish you all the best of luck for the future.

Tagged  Exams  GCSE  Achievement  Year 11 

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