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Brooke Weston Trust’s CEO, Dr Andrew Campbell, attended assemblies at Brooke Weston Academy where he outlined to students and staff the Ambition for All campaign that will be running throughout this year.

The Trust-wide initiative will take place at all of the Trust schools, with each school being a ‘torchbearer’ for a nominated month with particular focus falling on them during that time. The campaign aims to raise ambition across the Trust, engaging both students and staff and being a focal point for activities.

Dr Campbell told students; ‘This is something that every school, student and adult in the Trust is involved in. Everybody has ambition to achieve things but the questions are how ambitious are you as an individual and how ambitious are we as a school community? Can you feel the hope, positivity and energy as the adults and students together try and achieve? How much hope does Brooke Weston give you and are you a force for good here?’

Brooke Weston will be the Ambition for All torchbearer in June next year, but activities will be running throughout the year which will underpin and reinforce its aims. Principal, Mr Peter Kirkbride will announce his strategy for the project at Brooke Weston over the coming weeks.

The Ambition for All campaign is a single focus on improving academic outcomes and opportunities for character development that will run in all our Trust schools throughout this academic year. It applies to all areas of the Trust’s schools’ operations to ensure students receive the highest quality teaching and wider development opportunities within a supportive and encouraging environment, where adults live and breathe ambition for student success in all its forms. Implicit within this approach is a focus on the progress of disadvantaged students and of high ability students, whatever their background. As part of the Ambition for All campaign the CEO, Principal and Chair of Governors at each school will sign a pledge to be displayed prominently.

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