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Term 3 Reading Week: A Celebration of Literacy

Brooke Weston Academy proudly hosted our second ‘Reading Week’ this term, following the success of our first ‘Reading Week’ in Term 2, an event designed to foster a love for reading and enhance literacy skills across the school.

Reading for just 20 minutes a day accumulates to 3,600 minutes in a school year, equating to an impressive 1,800,000 words read annually. At BWA, we refer to this journey as our students’ ‘reading miles.’ By dedicating 20 minutes each day to reading, students cover significant reading miles, enriching their vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Term 3’s ‘Reading Week’ gave our students the opportunity to add to their reading ‘miles’ by exposing them to additional texts linked to their curriculum areas and delving further beyond the set curriculum – looking at wider links and subject content they would not normally be exposed to.

Over 2,500 additional words will be read by each student over the course of the week; texts will be fiction and non-fiction and look to build cultural capital, subject knowledge and offer new insights about the past, new cultures, the modern world and many relevant social issues.

Literacy Coordinator Lauren Fitzjohn said, ‘BWA want to promote our love of reading and the power of a good book, not only to support vocabulary growth but mindfulness. The calm act of reading can allow for reflection and be a lifelong strategy to support positive mental health.’

‘I have had so many book recommendations from students and engagement from parents with requests for recommended reading lists that I really felt that ‘buzz’ around reading during Reading Week.’

The school library offers an amazing collection of books for borrowing, all recommended by students during Reading Week.

If you have a book you would love to recommend to our student body, please send it to

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