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BWA hosts the annual chess tournament against CBA and CTS  

Brooke Weston Academy hosted its annual chess tournament with BWA chess club players up against talented players from Corby Business Academy and Corby Technical School.

The competition comprised of eight players from each school, all of whom played each other in a round-robin format with games timed at five minutes each.

Players received 3 points for a win, 2 for a draw and 1 point for a loss. There were two ways for players to win a game, through checkmate or by adding up the point values of pieces they captured from the board.

At the end of the tournament, the scores were tallied up and for the first time in 7 years, CBA were triumphant and claimed the trophy to take back with them. Despite a valiant effort, BWA came in 3rd place and CTS in 2nd place.

SEND/Teaching Assistant Tom Holton, who organised the tournament said, ‘I am really proud of all of our players. They conducted themselves in a friendly manner and were gracious in defeat. For many, this was their first tournament, and they all enjoyed themselves. I'm hopeful that next year we will reclaim that trophy!’










Tagged  Library  BW Trust  Competition 

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