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Year 7 book review competition winners announced

Congratulations to Year 7 students Natalia Bialas, Zack Dowsett and Sophie Himer who won prizes for their book reviews, on titles they received at the end of Term 2, as part of the Bookbuzz programme.

Bookbuzz is a reading programme from Book Trust, which supports schools to encourage reading for pleasure and develop a whole school reading culture. The scheme has been running for several years at Brooke Weston and Year 7 students were given the opportunity to choose their own book in Term 1 from a choice of 16 titles to take home and keep. They were then invited to submit a book review on their chosen book to be in with the chance of winning this year’s entire Bookbuzz collection.

The overall winner of the competition, Natalia, wrote her review on ‘Our Sister Again’ by Sophie Cameron, a moving story of grief, family bonds, and what it means to be human.

Natalia said, ‘I’m very excited that I have won the entire Bookbuzz collection and I can’t wait to read ‘Dreadwood’ as I have heard it is very good.’

The competition was open to all Year 7 students, and was judged by Librarian Wendy Mann, she said, ‘The reviews were of such good quality that I picked a winner and two runners up. It is fantastic that they had their own opinions on the books and were able to express and share their thoughts.’ 

All this year’s Bookbuzz titles are available to borrow from the Library.

For more information about BookTrust, including literacy activities for the whole family and advice about how to encourage and support your child’s reading, please visit BookTrust

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