Year 10 students get an insight into courses and careers
As part of the ongoing Pathways to Success programme, a small group of Year 10 students attended Corby Enterprise Centre at Prior’s Hall and visited Tresham College in Corby. Pathways to Success is led by the School Development Support Agency (SDSA), and has been funded this year by Aspire Higher and The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP).
Doro Evwodere said, ‘I learnt that communication, being on time and teamwork skills are really important, and we are still young, so we still have time to research what we are interested in.’
Clarissa Adams said, ‘The speakers were really nice and gave us a lot of information on what we can do in the future. It was good to hear that they were all from Corby and have become very successful.’
Devon Spencer said, ‘We learnt how we could get into these industries and how the skills can be linked to any other business that we might be interested in. They told us how little actions help us to achieve success. We also got some free Pepsi merchandise!’
Alicia Evans said, ‘During the visit I enjoyed looking at all the different facilities and work spaces at Tresham. I learnt about the different courses and apprenticeships and found it very engaging. It’s opened my mind to a lot of different careers I hadn’t thought of before and taught me about each different pathway and how the college could help me get there.’
Chanelle Coleman said, ‘I’ve enjoyed looking at all the different departments and seeing all the different courses that I could go into. I also learnt that you can get paid a lot more than I thought for certain jobs, for example, bricklaying, you can get paid up to £100k a year, and apprenticeships are really popular with certain courses like business and accountancy. I know it’s best to get a 4 and above in Maths and English to get into Tresham. Overall, I enjoyed the trip because it inspired me to open more doors and have a look at loads of new facilities.’
Careers Lead Amber Colquhoun said, ‘Thank you to all the professionals for welcoming us and giving our students an insight into courses and your career journeys and your companies. If you are interested in contributing to our career provision, please get in touch; Amber.Colquhoun@brookeweston.org, to discuss further.’