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Year 9 drama students invited Oakley Vale Primary school to watch their first live performance of ‘The Grinch’.

The show was in preparation for their GCSE performance and enabled them to gain a greater understanding of the expectations of the course and confidence in performing.

The students organised all of their own props and costumes and greeted the Oakley Vale students as they walked in. They put on a fantastic performance full of laughs and the real meaning of Christmas.

PA teacher Miss Camilla Kerr said, ‘All of the students worked really hard on the show. They each thought about what they should wear for their part and arranged all of the props for the stage. I am incredibly proud of their performance which I think has been a fantastic practice for their GCSE’s.’

Brooke Weston Year 9 student Dean Ruthven said ‘Of course I was nervous but it was a good experience because any mistakes I made I can get better at and then eventually I can take my GCSE’s and A Levels and just smash it.’

Brooke Weston Year 9 student Holly Marshall said ‘I think our first performance went well. It went really quickly. I didn’t feel as nervous as I thought I would, I just really enjoyed performing and I remembered all of my lines so that is good. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, they were all laughing so I think they had a good time.’

Oakley Vale Year 5 student Taylor Lawrie said ‘It was lots of fun and I thought they did a very good job.’

Oakley Vale Year 5 student Dominika Mamczarz said ‘It was really funny and I liked how they carried on celebrating Christmas even though The Grinch had stolen all the presents. I thought it was a good message about Christmas.’

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