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Year 12 students appointed as new student leaders for BWA

Congratulations to our Year 12 students who have been appointed as the Brooke Weston Academy student leaders for the coming year; Jack-Brent Thomas, Head Student; Marcus Ciobanu, Academic Leader; Mitchelle Mushipe, Diversity Leader; David Obembe, Charity Leader and Inez Kubiaczyk, Wellbeing Leader.           

The initial application process involved a written letter of application in response to the job descriptions of their chosen role as well as producing a narrated PowerPoint presentation sharing their vision for BWA. Members of the Senior Leadership team interviewed the successful applicants who were selected to progress from the initial applications.  

Jack-Brent and Marcus, who both joined Brooke Weston in Year 7, are hoping to make a real difference to school life.

Jack-Brent, who is studying English Language, Business and Geography, said, ‘Head Student was always the goal for me, but I really didn't expect to be selected given that everyone else competing was so strong. I knew it would be challenging and something very different as well as a fantastic opportunity to make new friends and be part of a team. During my time as Head Student, I would like to become a friendly face around the school and someone people can trust and rely on to get things done. I want to have a genuine impact and ensure that everyone feels happy, safe and educated. I would encourage anyone who would like to apply to be a student leader in the future to go for it.’

Marcus, who has ambitions to study Mathematics at Cambridge University and pursue a career in the Finance sector, is currently studying Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Computer Science.

He said, ‘I felt that I would be a good fit for the Academic Leader role because of my own academic achievements so far. My main goal is to help others achieve their academic goals and make sure the school is doing all they can to enable students in doing so. Alongside this, helping the other members of the student leadership team in their goals and getting feedback from students through student voice is important. There is already a big focus on academics in BWA and the ethos around hard work, dedication and diligence definitely creates an environment that is great for studying and achieving grades to back that up.’

Mitchelle, David and Inez, all joined BWA relatively recently at the start of Year 12. Mitchell, who is planning to study medicine at University, is currently studying Maths, Biology and Chemistry.

She said, ‘I applied for the role of Diversity Leader because l value the act of inclusivity. When l found out I had been selected, l was overwhelmed and excited. I believe that the role will help me to form one community at BWA where everyone feels safe, welcomed and are free to be who they are. I hope to be able to host events and assemblies that will promote diversity and make a change during the time that l am Diversity Leader. You are surrounded with a lot of support at BWA, and you never feel like you are on your own.’

David, who intends to pursue a career as a software engineer, is studying Maths, Business and Computer Science.

He said, ‘I decided to apply for the Charity Leader role because I am passionate about contributing to the betterment of my local community. The role also allows me to develop my public speaking skills and further develop my organisational skills. I was very excited, and felt honoured to have been selected. I have three main goals, which are to solidify an ethos of social responsibility, build more partnerships with local charities and foster a culture of volunteerism. I am ready to start working with the rest of the team and to start implementing impactful initiatives to make a significant difference in school and within the community.’

Inez, who is studying Art, Design & Technology and Psychology, plans to study Architecture or Interior Design at university.

She said, ‘I decided to apply for the role of Wellbeing Leader as I have gained an understanding on the subject through studying Psychology. I was delighted and excited to be selected, and I am eager to raise awareness around Mental Health issues. I hope to make all our students feel welcome and safe in the school environment and a place that our students will look forward to attending.’

Science teacher and Lead of Culture, Ethos & Wellbeing at BWA, Sammy Hallybone, said, ‘It is always a very difficult position to decide which students have demonstrated the high-level personal attributes to gain a student leadership role, but this year the calibre of application was exceptional! I am so proud of the students and excited about what they can do as a team. They are eloquent, accomplished beyond their years, and most of all passionate about BWA and what it can become with their help. The new student leaders will be introducing themselves in assemblies and hitting the ground running letting BWA students know about further improvements that have been made as a result of their wonderful engagement in student voice.’

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