Policies, Procedures and Documentation
Brooke Weston Academy adheres to all policies set by Brooke Weston Trust and details of this, the statutory financial information including the gender pay gap report, can be found on the Trust website.
Please contact the school office if you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website. We will endeavour to get the information to you within 24 hours.
Complaints procedure
Complaints procedure (including any arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEN about the support provided by the school).
If you're looking to give us feedback or to make a complaint, we want to hear from you in order that your concerns can be resolved. You can find all the contacts and related procedures below:
Please submit in writing (by email on enquiries@brookeweston.org) your concerns to the Principal, detailing:
- Your name
- A description of your complaint
- Any names or dates you have noted if you have already spoken to someone about your concerns
- A contact number and convenient time to contact you
The Principal will appoint a member of the Senior Leadership Team to meet with you to investigate your concerns and seek a resolution. For more information, including the complaints form, please read the BWT Complaints Policy.
Brooke Weston Academy Policies
Policies, procedures and documentation specific to Brooke Weston Academy can be found in the links above.